Sunday, November 12, 2006

So where were you on the night of November 12th?

Never be without an alibi again with Alibinetwork!

This site has really made by day. It's the type of business that you would come up with after a few drinks in the pub but someone has already done it! Alibinetwork offers a range of discreet services such as 'virtual hotel reservations' and an 'untraceable buddy'. From as little as $10 for a fake e-mail you can happily get on with having your affair or committing your crime of choice! Or you can pretend to have a job of your choice with a fake business phone, personal secretary and business cards. And of course they will tell you when you are being checked up on! Brilliant!...

I'm only 3 months into marriage so its a bit too early for an affair but if I decide to change my mind I know where i will be logging on to!

1 comment:

Peter said...

if only i led an exciting enough life so as to need this site